Strength and mobility exercises are foundational elements of the Army Physical Readiness Training (PRT) program, designed to enhance the physical capabilities of soldiers.
- Strength exercises build muscle mass, improve functional force production, and promote a soldier’s endurance.
- Mobility exercises aim to increase joint flexibility, muscle suppleness, and the range of motion a soldier needs for effective tactical movements.
The strength and mobility activities chapter describes strength and mobility exercises, drills, and activities designed for Soldiers in the toughening and sustaining phases of PRT.
- The purpose of strength and mobility activities is to improve functional strength, postural alignment, and body mechanics, all of which are essential for performing Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBDs).
The Army PRT has a range of exercises, drills, and activities designed for soldiers in both the toughening and sustaining phases.
- This article focuses on the strength and mobility components of PRT.
The Importance of Strength and Mobility in PRT
Strength and mobility are two critical pillars of physical readiness.
- Strength is essential for lifting heavy objects and improving performance across various Army tasks, from carrying heavy equipment to engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
- Mobility, conversely, ensures that a soldier can move quickly and effectively on the battlefield, helping them evade danger and engage threats more proficiently.
Types of Strength and Mobility Drills
The following are the Army Strength and Mobility Drills:
Conditioning Drill 1 (CD 1)
- Purpose: Develop foundational fitness and body management skills.
- Components: Basic and intermediate calisthenic exercises
- Exercises: Power Jump, V-Up, Mountain Climber, Leg Tuck and Twist, Single-Leg Push-Up
- Focus: Strength, endurance, and mobility through complex functional movement patterns.
- Exercise 1: Power Jump
- Exercise 2: V-Up
- Exercise 3: Mountain Climber
- Exercise 4: Leg Tuck and Twist
- Exercise 5: Single-Leg Push-Up
Conditioning Drill 2 (CD 2)
- Purpose: Functionally trains total-body muscular strength and endurance.
- Components: Intermediate and advanced calisthenic exercises
- Exercises: Turn and Lunge, Supine Bicycle, Half Jacks, Swimmer, 8-Count Push-Up
- Focus: Required to perform WTBDs successfully.
- Exercise 1: Turn and Lunge
- Exercise 2: Supine Bicycle
- Exercise 3: Half Jacks
- Exercise 4: Swimmer
- Exercise 5: 8-Count Push-Up
Conditioning Drill 3 (CD 3)
- Purpose: Functionally trains agility, coordination, and lower-body strength.
- Components: Advanced calisthenic and plyometric exercises
- Exercises: “Y” Squat, Single-Leg Dead Lift, Side-To-Side Knee Lifts, Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch, Tuck Jump, Straddle-Run Forward and Backward, Half-Squat Laterals, Frog Jumps Forward and Backward, Alternate 1/4-Turn Jump, Alternate-Staggered Squat Jump
- Focus: WTBDs require concentration to be completed successfully.
- Exercise 1: “Y” Squat
- Exercise 2: Single-Leg Dead Lift
- Exercise 3: Side-To-Side Knee Lifts
- Exercise 4: Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch
- Exercise 5: Tuck Jump
- Exercise 6: Straddle-Run Forward and Backward
- Exercise 7: Half-Squat Laterals
- Exercise 8: Frog Jumps Forward and Backward
- Exercise 9: Alternate 1/4-Turn Jump
- Exercise 10: Alternate-Staggered Squat Jump
Push-up and sit-up drills (PSD)
- Purpose: Enhances upper-body muscular strength and endurance.
- Components: Timed sets (30–60 seconds each) of push-ups and sit-ups
- Focus: Improve your Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) performance.
Push-Up and Sit-Up Drill (PSD)
Climbing Drill 1 (CL 1)
- Purpose: Develop upper body and trunk strength and mobility.
- Components: Exercises on a high bar or climbing bars
- Exercises: straight-arm pull, heel hook, pull-up, leg tuck, alternating grip pull-up
- Focus: Body weight manipulation off the ground.
- Exercise 1: Straight-Arm Pull
- Exercise 2: Heel Hook
- Exercise 3: Pull-Up
- Exercise 4: Leg Tuck
- Exercise 5: Alternating Grip Pull-Up
Climbing Drill 2 (CL 2)
- Purpose: Improves upper body and trunk strength and mobility.
- Components: Exercises on a high bar or climbing bars
- Exercises: flexed-arm hang, heel hook, pull-up, leg tuck, alternating grip Pull-Up
- Focus: Body weight manipulation under fighting load.
- Exercise 1: Flexed-Arm Hang
- Exercise 2: Heel Hook
- Exercise 3: Pull-Up
- Exercise 4: Leg Tuck
- Exercise 5: Alternating Grip Pull-Up
Strength Training Circuit (STC)
- Purpose: Overall strength training using sequenced exercise stations.
- Components: Strength training equipment and climbing exercises.
- Stations: Sumo Squat, Straight-Leg Dead Lift, Forward Lunge, 8-count Step-Up, Pull-Up or Straight-Arm Pull, Supine Chest Press, Bent-Over Row, Overhead Push Press, Supine Body Twist, Leg Tuck
- Focus: Involves exercises from military movement drills.
- Station 1: Sumo Squat
- Station 2: Straight-Leg Dead Lift
- Station 3: Forward Lunge
- Station 4: 8-Count Step-Up
- Station 5: Pull-Up or Straight-Arm Pull
- Station 6: Supine Chest Press
- Station 7: Bent-Over Row
- Station 8: Overhead Push Press
- Station 9: Supine Body Twist
- Station 10: Leg Tuck
Guerrilla Drill (GD)
- Purpose: Develop leg power and functional mobility.
- Components: Dynamic exercises
- Exercises: Shoulder Roll, Lunge Walk, Soldier Carry
- Focus: Improving combative techniques and the ability to carry/evacuate another Soldier.
- Exercise 1: Shoulder Roll
- Exercise 2: Lunge Walk
- Exercise 3: Soldier Carry
Other Important Strength and Mobility Links
Strength Exercises
Strength exercises improve a soldier’s ability to produce force, focusing mainly on anaerobic capacity.
- They help build muscle mass, improve power output, and improve performance in tasks that require intense bursts of energy.
Types of Strength Exercises
- Push-Ups: This exercise targets upper body strength, particularly the chest, triceps, and shoulders.
- Pull-Ups: Enhance grip and upper body strength, specifically targeting the back and biceps.
- Squats: Develop lower body strength, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
- Deadlifts: Target overall body strength, emphasizing the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes.
- Bent-Over Rows: Strengthen the upper back, lats, and shoulders.
- Overhead Push Press: Improve shoulder and tricep strength while engaging the core.
- Supine Chest Press: Focus on pectoral strength while engaging the triceps and shoulders.
- Leg Tuck: Target core and grip strength.
Mobility Exercises
Mobility exercises aim to improve the range of motion in joints and muscles.
- These exercises not only enhance flexibility but also help in the correct alignment of bones and joints, thereby reducing the risk of injury.
Types of Mobility Exercises
- Lunges: Improve hip mobility and lower body strength.
- Mountain Climbers: Target hip and shoulder mobility while engaging the core.
- Frog Jumps: Enhance lower body mobility and strength, focusing on the hips, knees, and ankles.
- Heel Hook: Focus on hip mobility and core strength.
- “Y” Squat: Target hip and ankle mobility while engaging the core and lower body strength.
- Swimmers: Enhance shoulder mobility while also engaging the upper back.
- Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch: Improve hamstring and lower back mobility.
- Side-to-Side Knee Lifts: Focus on hip mobility and core engagement.
Combined Drills for Strength and Mobility
- Strength Training Circuit (STC): A sequence of exercise stations integrating strength and mobility training.
- Guerrilla Drill (GD): Combines leg power and functional mobility, focusing on improving combative techniques and the ability to carry/evacuate another Soldier.
- Climbing Drills (CL 1 & CL 2): Develop upper body and trunk strength and mobility with climbing or high bar exercises.
- Conditioning Drills (CD 1, CD 2, CD 3): A calisthenic exercise sequence that challenges strength, endurance, and mobility through complex functional movement patterns
Understanding the definitions and outlines of strength and mobility exercises in Army PRT is crucial for building a balanced, effective fitness regimen.
- These exercises are essential for military performance and a soldier’s overall well-being and longevity.
- The diversity of drills and exercises, from basic to advanced, ensures that soldiers can develop and sustain a broad spectrum of physical skills.
- These drills prepare soldiers for the rigors of military life, help prevent injuries, and improve overall well-being.
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