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Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch Exercise Workout 2023

The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch is an exercise that primarily targets your legs and trunk muscles and improves balance, coordination, and flexibility.

The front kick alternate toe touch exercise is often incorporated into military physical fitness routines. It targets key areas for optimal military performance, such as strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

This exercise merges the force of a front kick with the agility required for a toe touch. It’s not merely a leg swing but an art form that trains your body and mind to operate in seamless unison.

It’s a comprehensive body exercise. It accelerates your heart rate, stimulates muscle activity, and enhances balance and coordination. 

Whether you’re an MMA athlete, a dancer, or just someone aiming to maintain fitness – this move encapsulates it all.

Army PRT Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch Drill

Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch Exercise
Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch Exercise

The Front Kick Alternate Toe touch is the fourth exercise in Conditioning Drill 3 (CD3). This exercise develops balance coordination and flexibility of the legs and trunk.

There are nine more conditioning exercises in Conditioning Drill 3:

Here is a breakdown of the exercise as it would be conducted in a formation at moderate cadence.


  • The front kick alternate toe touch exercise develops balance, coordination, and flexibility of the legs and trunk.

Starting Position

  • The exercise begins in a straddle stance with hands placed on the hips.


  • Moderate


  • On Count 1: Raise the left leg to the front of the body until it is parallel to the ground while simultaneously bending forward at the waist, extending the right arm forward, and reaching with the right hand towards the left foot while the left arm reaches rearward.
  • On Count 2: Return to the starting position.
  • On Count 3: Raise the right leg to the front of the body until it is parallel to the ground while simultaneously bending forward at the waist, extending the left arm forward, and reaching with the left hand toward the right foot while the right arm reaches rearward.
  • On Count 4: Return to the starting position.

Check Points:

  • In the starting position, tighten the abdominals to stabilize the trunk.
  • On counts 1 and 3, rotate the trunk to reach the toes, keeping the back straight.
  • Keep the head and the eyes forward throughout the exercise.
  • Maintain a slight bend in the knee as it moves parallel to the ground.

Muscles worked by the Kick Toe Touches

  • Quadriceps: They lift your leg for the kick.
  • Hamstrings and Glutes: These muscles engage as you extend your leg.
  • Core Muscles: These muscles stabilize your torso during the toe touch.
  • Shoulders and Back: These muscles get engaged during the toe touch.

Each muscle group involved is like a unique instrument, contributing to the overall melody of this exercise.

Effects on Cardiovascular Health

  • The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch exercises your muscles and benefits your heart. 
  • Regular practice can decrease blood pressure and improve your lipid profile, thus contributing to overall cardiac wellness.

How to do the Front Kick Toe Touch Exercise

Here’s how to do the front kick toe touches.

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your right leg to perform a front kick.
  • As you lower your right leg, bend forward and touch your right toe with your left hand.
  • Return to the initial position.
  • Repeat with the opposite leg.
  • Remember, maintaining proper form is crucial for this exercise.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While performing this exercise, avoid these common errors:

  • Rushing through the move: It’s essential to perform each motion slowly and steadily.
  • Neglecting your core: Remember to keep your navel drawn towards your spine.
  • Bending your knees while touching your toes: Keep your legs straight.

Progressing from Novice to Expert Level

To improve over time:

  • Begin with slow, meticulous movements.
  • Gradually enhance your speed as you become more comfortable.
  • For more advanced practitioners, consider adding ankle weights or resistance bands.

Enhancing the Exercise

The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch can be modified to increase its difficulty. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Kick higher to test your flexibility.
  • Increase speed to boost your heart rate.
  • Add weights to challenge yourself further.

Integrating Stability and Flexibility into Your Movements

  • This exercise is a combination of equilibrium and flexibility.
  • Engage your core for stability and include stretches to increase flexibility.

Incorporating the Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch into your Workout Regimen

  • The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touches can be integrated into your High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) regimen or used as an active rest between sets. 
  • Always warm up before you start and cool down with some stretches after you finish to prevent muscle stiffness.

Importance of Hydration and a balanced diet

  • Your body needs the proper fuel to function smoothly.
  • Ensure you consume a balanced diet and stay hydrated, as it aids muscle function and prevents fatigue.

Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch Benefits

  • The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch exercise can enhance your stamina and endurance. 
  • High kicks and toe touches can also significantly boost your flexibility and agility. 
  • Moreover, this exercise requires coordination and control, thus keeping your mind alert and engaged.

Precautions and Safety Measures

  • Before starting, remember to warm up and ensure your form is correct to prevent straining your muscles. 
  • Listen to your body and modify the exercise as necessary.
  • Fitness is about making sustainable, healthy progress, not pushing your body to its limits.


The Front Kick Alternate Toe Touch is a testament to what our bodies can achieve with the proper techniques, consistent practice, and an understanding of our potential. 

It offers numerous benefits, from enhancing cardiovascular endurance to improving mental focus. Start kicking and see the transformation yourself!

George N.