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Army Force Generation is the driving force behind training management. The Army provides campaign capable, expeditionary forces through ARFORGEN. Army Force Generation also applies to Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve units. Army Force Generation is based on a three-phase readiness cycle. The three phases of ARFORGEN are:

  • Reset.
  • Train/Ready.
  • Available.

Each phase has a specific focus. The reset phase focuses on individual and collective training tasks that support their C- and/or D-METL. The train/ready phase focuses on higher level collective tasks associated specifically with deployment. The available phase continues focus on higher level collective tasks as the unit is considered trained and available for immediate alert and deployment to a specified contingency. Unit commanders and PRT leaders can plan PRT based on the specific requirements addressed in each of the ARFORGEN phases. Chapter 5 provides commanders and PRT leaders with training schedules based on the three phases of ARFORGEN.

Unit PRT activities should be incorporated into individual duty for training (IDT) periods. Commanders must determine how much emphasis to place on PRT activities and allocate time and resources accordingly. At a minimum, one hour of PRT activities should be incorporated into every sixteen hours of unit training during IDT periods. During annual training (AT) periods, units should try to conduct PRT five times per week.

Valuable RC collective PRT time should not be focused on preparing Soldiers to take the APFT; nor should the focus of PRT during IDT periods be on achieving a training effect. The focus should be on precisely teaching and leading the activities in this FM. On some occasions, Soldiers might have to perform at nearmaximal effort during training, such as in the conduct of a unit foot march or other training activities. This should be the exception, not the norm. A training program in which Soldiers are expected to perform at near-maximal effort once a month will not achieve the desired physiological changes, no matter how intense. This type of program probably causes more harm than good and typically violates the commander’s CRM.

George N.
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