The Prone L Raise is an exercise designed to strengthen the muscles of the upper back, particularly those responsible for scapular stability and control.
The L Raise workout is the fourth exercise for the Shoulder Stability Drills.
There are four more exercises in the shoulder stability drills:
What muscles does the prone l raise exercise target?
- This exercise primarily targets lower and mid-trapezius, rhomboids, and rotator cuffs.
Prone L Raise PRT Exercise
Purpose: This exercise develops shoulder strength and stability.
- Starting Position: Prone position with the head slightly elevated and aligned with the spine
- Feet are together, and toes are pointed to the rear.
- The arms remain on the ground and are extended sideward, and the elbows are bent at 90 degrees, forming an “L.”
- The hands are in a neutral position (perpendicular to the ground), with the thumbs and fingers extended and joined.
Cadence: SLOW
- On Count One: Raise both arms 3-6 inches off the ground.
- On Count Two: Return to the starting position.
- On Count Three: Repeat Count 1.
- On Count Four: Return to the starting position.
- Repeat 5 Times
Check Points:
- At the starting position, tighten the abdominals to stabilize the trunk. The head is slightly elevated and aligned with the spine.
- On counts 1 and 3, keep the back generally straight with the head up.
- Throughout the exercise, the arms maintain an “L” and the trunk and legs should also be aligned.
Precaution: Keep the head slightly elevated throughout the exercise, and do not jerk the body into the up positions on counts 1 and 3.
How to do the Prone L Arm Raise at Home
The Prone L arm raise is a great exercise for improving motor control and stabilization of the scapula by building strength in the Rhomboids, rotator cuffs, and mid-trapezius.
It’s an excellent exercise if we have a lot of overhead movements in our program:
- Overhead press
- Pull-ups
- Olympic lifting
- Handstands
The first part of this movement is to set a nice posterior pelvic tilt, the PPT.
- So we’re tucking the pelvis under, drawing the belly off the floor, and setting the spine in a good position so that the scapula can move across the thoracic spine with ease.
Next, we pull the elbows back and down close to the body, and we rotate the hands so the thumbs point to the ceiling.
At the beginning of each repetition, we’re trying to retract and depress the scapula, ensuring the upper traps are relaxed.
So keep the shoulders back and down, and pull them towards your back pockets. They’re away from your ears.
Once the scapula is set, we can lift the arms off the ground with control. Don’t use momentum here.
We want to focus on the target muscles to feel them contracting.
So lift the arm slowly and focus on the midback, trying to pull the scapula together as best you can.
If you find this movement difficult due to tightness in the shoulder, you can make it easier by performing it on a bench.
Bench Prone L Raise Exercise:
- So lie prone on the bench.
- Set it up the same way with the posterior pelvic tilt.
- Complete the movement in precisely the same manner.
We work in the end range of motion when we’re prone on the floor. This can be quite weak for some people, and we can be relatively limited by tightness in the shoulders.
When trying to work out to complete fatigue on this exercise, you want to work with perfect form and ensure you’re targeting the right muscles.
Two to three sets of roughly eight to 12 repetitions are enough to achieve this.
Tips for Correct Form and Posture
To ensure you’re performing the Prone L-Raise exercise correctly, follow these tips:
- Keep your shoulders relaxed and down, away from your ears.
- Engage your core muscles to support your back and maintain proper alignment.
- Avoid swinging your arms or using momentum.
- You can use a weight that allows you to perform the exercise well without straining your muscles.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Some common mistakes to avoid when performing the L raise exercise include:
- Arching your back or leaning forward
- Shrugging your shoulders or tensing your neck
- Using too much weight or jerking the weights upward
- Letting your elbows bend or drop during the exercise
Additional Exercises to Pair with the L Raise Exercise
Pair the L raise exercise with other exercises, such as push-ups, planks, and lateral raises, to create a wide shoulder and core workout.
These exercises work for different shoulder and core muscle groups, providing well-rounded training for optimal results.
What are the Benefits of the Prone L Raise
Incorporating the L raise exercise into your workout routine can help you:
- Sculpt and tone your shoulders
- Strengthen your upper back and core muscles
- Improve your posture and reduce neck and shoulder pain
- Increase your overall strength and endurance
Frequently Asked Questions about the L Raise Exercise
Yes, you can perform the exercise using just your body weight. Extend your arms to your sides, forming an L shape with your body, and hold for several seconds before lowering back down.
Yes, the exercise is suitable for beginners, but starting with a lighter weight and maintaining proper form and posture throughout the exercise is essential.
Incorporating exercises like the L raise into your workout routine can help improve posture and reduce neck and shoulder pain over time.
In conclusion, the Prone L raise exercise is a versatile and practical exercise for sculpting your shoulders, and In the L raise exercise is an excellent addition to any workout routine, providing a full-body workout with minimal equipment required.
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