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Duties of Test Personnel



The Army Physical Fitness Test personnel must be familiar with all aspects of administration of the APFT. Supervision of Soldiers and laying out the test area are essential duties. The following test personnel are recommended to conduct an APFT: an OIC and/or NCOIC, an event supervisor(s), a timer, a back-up timer, an event scorer(s), a demonstrator(s), and support personnel. The minimum number of test personnel required to administer the APFT is four: an OIC/NCOIC, an event supervisor, an event scorer, and support personnel to hold the Soldiers’ feet on the sit-up event.

The OIC and the NCOIC are responsible for the administration of the APFT. Responsibilities include:

  • Preparation for push-up event (after reading instructions and before test start).
  • Administration of the test.
  • Conduct of recovery upon completion of the test.
  • Procurement of all necessary equipment and supplies.
  • Arrangement and layout of test area.
  • Training of event supervisors, scorers, timer, back-up timer demonstrators, and support personnel.
  • Ensure tests are properly administered and that events are explained, demonstrated, and scored according to standard.
  • When test personnel required to administer the APFT are limited, the OIC/NCOIC may perform the duties of an event demonstrator and/or back-up timer.
  • Reports results of test.

The event supervisors are responsible for administration of test events. Responsibility includes the following:

  • Administers one or more test events.
  • Ensures necessary equipment is on hand for each event(s).
  • Reads APFT event instructions.
  • Conducts APFT event demonstration.
  • When test personnel required to administer the APFT are limited, the event supervisor(s) may perform the duties of the timer.
  • Supervises event scoring to standard.
  • Answers questions on scoring discrepancies and informs the OIC/NCOIC.

The event scorers are responsible for scoring events to standard. Responsibility includes the following:

  • Enforces test standards.
  • Records the correct number of repetitions in the raw score block on DA Form 705.
  • Records initials in initials box on DA Form 705.
  • Performs other duties assigned by the OIC or the NCOIC.
  • Receives training conducted by the OIC/NCOIC to ensure scoring is to standard.

The demonstrators are responsible for demonstrating the push-up and sit-up events to standard. Responsibility includes the following:

  • Assists the event supervisor by demonstrating push-ups and sit-ups to standard during the reading of event instructions.
  • Performs other duties assigned by the OIC or the NCOIC.
  • Receives training, conducted by the OIC/NCOIC, to ensure demonstration of push-ups and sit-ups are to standard.

Timers and back-up timers are responsible for properly timing the push-up, sit-up, and 2-mile run events.

Support personnel assist in preventing unsafe acts to ensure smooth operation of the APFT. The use of support personnel depends on local policy and unit standing operating procedures. For example, support personnel may perform the duties of the holder during the sit-up event. Medical support on site is not required unless specified by local policy. The OIC and/or the NCOIC should have a plan for medical support (if required).

George N.
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