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Navy Prt Scores & Sheet

Navy Prt Scoring Categories

The Navy Prt score chart has five scoring categories: Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Probationary.

There are high, medium, and low levels within the outstanding, excellent, and good categories. Satisfactory has high and medium. Probationary is the lowest category and has no additional level. 

Performance LevelDescription
OUTSTANDINGPerformance is above or equal to the top 10 percentile. 
EXCELLENTExcellent: Performance is above or equal to the 25 percentile but less than Outstanding.
GOODPerformance is above or equal to the lowest 25 percentile but less than Excellent.
SATISFACTORY/PROBATIONARYPerformance in the bottom 25 percentile but above the lowest 10th percentile.
FAILUREPerformance in lowest 10 percentile.
PARTIAL PASSThis Navy Prt scoring is used by prims to indicate that the sailor passed the BCA but was authorized a non-participation status for the prt.
BCA PASSThis Navy Prt scoring used by prims to indicate that the sailor passed the BCA but was authorized a non-participation status for the prt.
George N.