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Air Force Sit-ups

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Tips to Improve USAF Sit Ups

Most people will do their sit-ups with their feet close together, which forms a triangular setup. For example, have someone hold your feet without using a toe bar. Then, when they’re holding your feet, have that person get right up on you and drive that force into the full part of the foot to keep the foot flat on the floor.

Now, I want you to watch what happens to your knees as you do the sit-ups. The knees will be moving back and forth; that’s instability. Instability in the sit-up will cause a lot of fatigue on the hip flexors, where most airmen will give up.

Instead, move your feet out so they are apart so that the heel lines up with the glute, the back, and the upper part of the shoulder. What you’re doing is creating a rectangular form instead of a triangle, which drives that energy all the way into your hip flexors.

Doing the sit-ups with your feet out and apart creates a rectangular shape that displaces the energy more uniformly across the abdominal wall, which is a better sit-up score for you.

And remember one other thing: you don’t need to come all the way up to your knees; you’re wasting energy. Instead, just touch that thigh.

George N.
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