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New Air Force Male PT Standards 2023

The United States Air Force PT Male Standards refer to the physical fitness requirements for male Air Force members to pass Air Force PT.

The Air Force continuously evaluates and updates its physical fitness (PT) standards to ensure the health, fitness, and readiness of its airmen. In addition to air force female pt standards, which have their own criteria, PT standards evolve to match modern understandings of fitness and the specific needs of the service.

To provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information about the New Air Force Male PT Standards, you should refer to the official US Air Force website or contact your unit’s Physical Training Leader (PTL) or a local base fitness center.

  • There is a requirement to score a minimum of 75 points to pass the Air Force PT test for male members based on age.
  • Below are the minimum requirements for each exercise needed to score 75 points.

See the comprehensive New Air Force PT Standards.

  • Age Categories: PT standards usually vary by age, with different expectations for younger and older airmen.
  • Regular Testing: Airmen are traditionally tested twice a year, although this frequency and the exemptions available can vary.
  • Preparation: It’s crucial for airmen to train regularly, not just in the lead-up to a test. Regular fitness not only ensures they can pass the PT test but also fulfill their duties effectively and maintain good health.

Air Force Male PT Scoring Standards

The following are the Air Force Male PT Scoring Standards for the following respective age groups:

Under 25 years old Air Force PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups6730 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups4015 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups5839 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4921 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:351:05 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<9:12 / 60 points15:50 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR100 lengths / 60 points36-38 / 35 points

25 – 29 years old USAF PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups6227 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups4015 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups5638 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4820 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:301:00 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<9:22 / 60 points16:22 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR97 lengths / 60 points33-35 / 35 points

30 – 34 years old AF PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups5724 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups4015 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups5436 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4719 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:25:55 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<9:34 / 60 points16:57 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR94 lengths / 60 points30 / 35 points

35 – 39 years old Air Force Fitness Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups5121 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups4015 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups5234 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4618 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:20:50 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<9:45 / 60 points17:34 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR92 lengths / 60 points27 / 35 points

40 – 44 years old Air Force PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups4418 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups3813 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups5031 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4416 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:15:45 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<9:58 / 60 points18:14 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR88 lengths / 60 points24 / 35 points

45 – 49 years old Air Force PT Test Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups4415 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups3813 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups4828 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4311 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:10:40 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<10:10 / 60 points18:56 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR86 lengths / 60 points22 / 35 points

50 – 54 years old AF/PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups3612 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups3710 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups4524 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch4011 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:05:35 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<10:37 / 60 points20:33 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR80 lengths / 60 points16 / 35 points

55 – 59 years old Air Force PT Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups3312 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups3310 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups4422 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch418 / 10 pts
Plank pose03:00:30 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<10:51 / 60 points21:28 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR77 lengths / 60 points13 / 35 points

60+ years old Male Standards

EventMax/20 ptsMin/pts
1-minute push-ups3011 / 1 pt
2-minutes HR push-ups3010 / 10 pts
1-minute sit-ups4219 / 3 pts
2-minutes Rev Crunch357 / 10 pts
Plank pose02:55:25 / 10 pts

1.5-mile run<11:22 / 60 points22:28 / 35 points
20-meter HAMR71 lengths / 60 points10 / 35 points

George N.
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