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New Air Force PT Test & Standards 2023 | USAF Fitness

The Air Force PT Test is a physical fitness test used by the United States Air Force to assess the fitness level of its members.

This test ensures airmen can maintain their physical readiness and performance. It tests an individual’s aerobic capacity, muscular strength, and endurance.

The United States Air Force (USAF) follows the standard the Department of Defense sets for physical fitness tests for all service branches. This includes acft army standards and the navy pt test.

The air force pt test & standards consist of three components or exercises:

What are the Air Force pt events?

  • 1.5-mile run
  • Traditional Push-ups
  • Traditional Sit-ups

Air Force Pt alternate events:

  • High Aerobic Multi-shuttle Run (20M HAMR)
  • Hand Release Push-ups
  • Cross-Leg Reverse Crunch Plank

Components of the Air Force PT Test

The standard Air Force PT test comprises three main exercises:

1.5-mile run:

  • Aim: To assess the cardiovascular endurance of the airman.
  • Task: Complete the 1.5 miles in the shortest time achievable.

Traditional Push-ups:

  • Aim: To gauge the upper body strength and stamina.
  • Task: Execute the maximum number of push-ups within a stipulated time frame.

Traditional Sit-ups:

  • Aim: To evaluate the core strength and resilience of the airmen.
  • Task: Perform the highest number of sit-ups within a set time limit.

Alternate Air Force PT Events

For members who, due to medical or other valid reasons, cannot partake in the standard PT test, the Air Force offers alternate exercises:

High Aerobic Multi-shuttle Run (20M HAMR):

  • Aim: To measure cardiovascular endurance and agility.
  • Task: Participants must run between two lines set 20 meters apart, tapping one line with a foot before reversing direction. This continues for typically six to ten minutes, with the aim of covering the maximum distance.

Hand Release Push-ups:

  • Aim: To test upper body muscular endurance.
  • Task: Starting in a push-up stance, participants lower their bodies until their chest reaches the ground. They then momentarily lift their hands before pushing back to the start. The objective is to achieve the highest number of repetitions in a designated time.

Cross-Leg Reverse Crunch Plank:

  • Aim: To assess core strength and persistence.
  • Task: From a plank stance, with forearms grounded and elbows beneath shoulders, one ankle is crossed over the opposite knee. This knee is then drawn towards the chest while the core tightens. The position is maintained as long as possible before switching legs, usually aiming for a hold time of one to three minutes.

Air Force PT Training

Success in the Air Force PT Test requires a combination of endurance, strength, and aerobic capacity. Proper preparation is crucial to meet the required standards and possibly even excel. Here’s a guide to help you get ready:

1. Understand the Test Components

Before you start training, ensure you’re fully aware of the test’s components:

  • 1.5-mile run
  • Traditional Push-ups
  • Traditional Sit-ups
  • Alternate events (if applicable)

2. Develop a Training Plan

A. Cardiovascular Training

  • Running: Start with short distances and gradually increase. Incorporate both long, steady runs and interval training to improve endurance and speed.
  • Cross-Training: Activities like swimming, cycling, or using an elliptical can reduce the impact on your joints while still working on your aerobic capacity.

B. Strength Training

  • Push-ups: Begin with sets of push-ups that you’re comfortable with, then gradually increase reps and sets.
  • Sit-ups: Similarly, start with manageable sets of sit-ups and progressively increase.
  • Core Workouts: Engage in exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises to strengthen your core, which will aid in the sit-ups portion of the test.

C. Flexibility Training

  • Stretching: Regularly stretch after your workouts to increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries.

3. Practice Proper Form

For both push-ups and sit-ups, using the correct form is vital. Not only will this prevent injuries, but it’ll also ensure your reps are counted during the test.

4. Simulate Test Conditions

At regular intervals, simulate the test under the same conditions you’ll face on the actual day. This helps gauge your preparedness and adjusts your training as needed.

5. Nutrition and Hydration

A. Balanced Diet: Consume a balanced diet that includes protein (for muscle repair), carbohydrates (for energy), and fats (for satiety). B. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water daily. Proper hydration aids muscle function and recovery.

6. Rest and Recovery

Ensure you’re getting adequate sleep and not overtraining. Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder performance. Remember, recovery is when your body heals and gets stronger.

7. Mental Preparation

A positive mindset can significantly impact your performance. Visualization techniques, mindfulness, or even simple affirmations can help boost your confidence.

8. Tapering

About a week before the test, reduce your training intensity. This allows your body to recover fully and ensures you’re in top shape on test day.

9. Test Day

  • Warm-Up: Engage in a light warm-up to get your muscles ready.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear suitable athletic wear and running shoes.
  • Stay Calm: Focus on your training and remember the techniques and strategies you’ve practiced.


The Air Force PT Test, with its blend of traditional and alternate events, ensures that all airmen, regardless of their physical conditions, are evaluated fairly and comprehensively. This rigorous testing ensures the USAF maintains a force that’s ready to tackle any challenge.

George N.