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Top iPhone Apps for Army Training and Field Operations

Military personnel require a variety of apps to help them in their work. They require health improvement, communication, budgeting, and collaboration apps. Technology is designed to help the army succeed in different tasks. These tools help them train better, view enemy territory, and live healthy lifestyles.

The iPhone is important for service men and women. They can install iPhone-friendly apps for different uses. These include recruitment, training, and field operations. The military apps market is wide but here are the most popular.

Image Credit:Freepik

Military News

The military must stay informed about everything happening in their country and beyond. The Military News app serves this goal and more. It lets users select the most important news for a personalized experience. You can choose to receive news from specific branches like the Army, Marine Corps, or Navy. The app lets users share the latest news and receive news notifications.

You might want to remove apps from your iPhone to allow installation of the latest ones. Some users might find it challenging to uninstall app in iPhone without leaving broken files. The broken pieces that remain can cause problems with the working of your phone. That’s why it is crucial to understand how to completely delete an app on iPhone and learn this by trying out different methods. You may use an app removal or cleaning tool from a third party. You may also open the Settings button and tap the General icon. Open App Storage and delete your targeted app.

CLREC Navy Global Deployer

This app is developed for the Navy to help them navigate better in different regions. It is one of the web apps the army uses for language and cultural training. CLREC stands for Center for Language Regional Expertise, and Culture. It helps the Navy understand the language and culture of the local people. It provides knowledge about the religion and history of the people. The Navy uses the app to learn the geography of the land.

Army Study Guide Portable

This is one of the most popular army training apps globally. The service men and women face many training challenges. These problems increase once an officer is deployed. They struggle with advancing training for promotion or pay increases. This app is designed to help with physical training. It is important to learn about the army’s history. Many people used to understand working in the desert and how the military command chain works.

Image Credit:Freepik

Tactical NAV

Tactical NAV is a multipurpose military application. It best fits military teams that go on war missions. The app helps them navigate unknown places due to its accurate navigation map. It works online and offline and has a night mode feature. The personnel can use it at night or during bad weather. It was developed after combat personnel experienced challenges navigating Afghanistan in 2010-2011.

Map My Run

Map My Run is a military app, for helping them stay physically fit. It lets them set goals and timelines for their workouts. The app uses AI to map out running routes and training schedules. It contains training content and success-tracking metrics. It can be used during training, while in the combat field, or on holiday.

Army Ranger Handbook

This app provides military personnel with training data and techniques. It provides information about new ambush, escape, and attack methods. It is useful for soldiers in training and active service. The user can always refer to the handbook for ideas and reminders about combat techniques. It includes the following information.

  • Escape and evasion techniques
  • How to deceive an enemy
  • Ambush strategies
  • Setting traps and removing enemy traps
  • Emerging battle and combat techniques
  • Intelligence and counterintelligence in war
  • Military communications

Troop Messenger

Troop Messenger is a military messaging app that allows users to make voice and video calls. It comes with advanced encryption to enhance the security of users. It also works as a collaboration and satellite communication tool. Users must comply with all safety and security requirements to use this app. It delivers communication in real-time regardless of where the user is located.

Army First Aid

Army First Aid provides detailed information about giving first aid to injured soldiers. It provides data beyond first aid and includes military medicine. It contains additional information about identifying lethal and poisonous creatures. The app contains details about dealing with emergencies and measuring user fitness.

Military Pay

Understanding your expected earnings while in service is important. Military Pay lets you calculate your pay with great accuracy. It collects updated data like pay rates, special duty earnings, and basic salary. This data lets you understand your monthly or annual income.


iPhone applications help soldiers achieve things beyond their human abilities. They help them stay healthy through exercise and a good diet. Some apps help the military in combat and first aid training. They are useful for communication and collaboration with army members. Identify and use a tool that meets your needs and keeps your communication and data secure.

George N.