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Mountain Climber


Purpose: This exercise develops the ability to quickly move the legs to power out of the front leaning rest position (Figure 6-87).

Starting Position: Front leaning rest position with the left foot below the chest and between the arms.



  1. Push upward with the feet and quickly change positions of the legs.
  2. Return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat the movements in count 1.
  4. Return to the starting position.

Figure 6-87. Mountain climber

Check Points:

  • Place the hands directly below the shoulders, fingers spread (middle fingers point straight ahead) with the elbows straight, not locked.
  • To prevent the trunk from sagging, tighten the abdominal muscles and maintain this contraction throughout the exercise. Do not raise the hips when moving throughout the exercise.
  • Align the head with the spine and keep the eyes directed to a point about two feet in front of the body.
  • Throughout the exercise, stay on the balls of the feet.
  • Move the legs straight forward and backward, not at angles.

Precautions: N/A

George N.
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