Below are news stories that we found to be helpful and informative. We will post up news stories as we find them.
TRADOC revises Army Physical Fitness Test
New PT program develops battle skills, warrior tasks
Using the post’s Noncommissioned Officers Academy as its conduit, Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Hof has a plan to ensure each battalion on post has someone versed in the new program to lead the change.
Physical Readiness Training standards take shape
Soldiers around the Army are taking a fresh approach to PT, following a formal overhaul earlier this year of the service’s physical fitness program.
PRT: The Army’s new road map for physical readiness
The result of the school’s hard work is nothing less than a wholesale reimagining of the way the Army conducts PT. The 434-page product, Training Circular 3-22.20, Army Physical Readiness Training, was released Armywide in August and replaces FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, last revised in 1992
“Ironhorse” Soldiers learn new physical training manual
Leaders of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division are taking proactive measures to train Soldiers on the changes in the Army’s updated physical training program by holding a monthly, eight day “Building Soldier Athletes” Class, here
Taking shape: New PT program relates to Soldier tasks
Whereas the old PT was more of a civilian-based fitness program established from American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, the new PRT is based on a system of training that relates to Soldier performance, Palkoska said.
U.S. Army Evaluates New Fitness Program
Some of the soldiers returning from Afghanistan will be trying out a new fitness program called Physical Readiness Training.
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