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Sample Commander’s Policy Letter


Refer to information below for an example of a unit PRT policy letter.

Physical Readiness Training

Headquarters, XX Battalion, XX Infantry
XX Brigade, XX Division
Fort XXXX, XX State XX zip code
Office Symbol


MEMORANDUM FOR All XX Infantry Leaders and Soldiers

SUBJECT: Commander’s Policy Letter # X: Physical Readiness Training

1. References.

     FM 7-22, Army Physical Readiness Training, XX Date
     AR 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development
     Installation AR 350-1, XX Date

2. General. In accordance with AR 350-1, all Soldiers will participate in either collective or individual 60 to 90 minute daily PRT sessions four or five times per week.

a. All sessions will include the exercises, drills, and activities listed in the sustaining phase from TC 7-22.

b. Normal PRT time is 0630 to 0800. Commanders will protect PRT time. Combatives training will be scheduled separately from unit PRT.

c. Special Conditioning programs will be conducted according to Chapter 6, FM 7-22. Soldiers on temporary or permanent physical profile will be evaluated and assigned to the battalion reconditioning program. 1SG will coordinate with the reconditioning program leader (RPL) for all matters concerning Soldiers in the reconditioning program.

d. The APFT will be conducted according to FM 7-22, Appendix A.

e. AR 600-9 is the standard for conduct of the Army Weight Control Program (AWCP).

3. Schedules. Commanders will follow Chapter 5, FM 7-22, which contains a doctrinal template for the conduct of collective and individual PRT exercises, drills, and activities.

a. The sustaining phase of PRT supports the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) model using reset, train/ready, and available phases. The model is designed using a “structured progression of increased unit readiness over time.”

b. This results in recurring periods of availability of trained, ready, and cohesive units prepared for operational deployment as specified in the Army Campaign Plan. The recurring structured progression of increasing unit readiness focuses on reset, train/ready, and available phases according to the operational readiness cycles. The result is full mission readiness.

c. Structured progression also allows units time to prepare for an operational deployment cycle and surge capability.

d. As shown in AR 350-1, active Army forces plan for one deployment every three years, while reserve forces plan for one deployment every six years. Active and reserve forces can be called from the ready force pool for a surge to meet strategic requirements.

e. Commanders must be prepared to move to any position along the ARFORGEN cycle. Core-METL (CMETL) or Directed-METL (D-METL) paths for units must prepare them to operate anywhere or anytime within the spectrum of conflict. With the potential to have shortened ARFORGEN cycles, commanders need to stay vigilant in planning and programming PRT.

4. Uniforms. All Soldiers in a unit PRT formation will wear the same uniform. The Army physical fitness uniform (PFU) and ACUs (as described in AR 670-1) with boots, ACH, IOTV, and weapon are appropriate uniforms for the conduct of PRT. The high visibility reflective belt or reflective vest will be worn by all Soldiers during the conduct of unit or individual PRT. The reflective belt will be worn diagonally over the right shoulder to the hip. During the conduct of unit foot marches the reflective belt or reflective vest will be placed horizontally around the rucksack.

5. Execution. Commanders will develop their PRT programs around mission and METL requirements.

a. PRT sessions are not solely devoted to preparation for the APFT.

b. Company, platoon, and squad level PRT is authorized. Individual PRT should be the exception and not the rule.

c. The PRT formation is for accountability and the execution of PRT, not a platform for administrative announcements.

d. Commanders must ensure that all PRT follows the Task, Conditions, Standards format.

e. Commanders will annotate “Preparation,” “PRT drills and activities,” and “Recovery” on their unit training schedules.

f. Organized athletics are not to be executed during PRT time.

g. Foot marching will be conducted 2 to 3 times per month, replacing sustained running on the PRT schedule. Speed running will always be conducted at least one time per week.

h. To ensure leaders conduct PRT training to standard, commanders require them to receive the training themselves before they may conduct PRT sessions. (This training is described in Chapters 7 through 10, FM 7-22.) This helps ensure that the PRT program is conducted to standard.

6. APFT. In accordance with AR 350-1, the APFT will be administered for record at least twice a year.

a. Ideally, testing dates should fall within the months of April and October.

b. Record testing, to include make-up testing, is annotated on the unit training schedule. Soldiers who score 270 points or higher with at least 90 points in each APFT event are awarded the Army Physical Fitness Excellence badge.

c. Height and weight screening to meet AR 600-9 standards may be conducted on the day of the record APFT or up to 30 days before or after the record test.

7. Unit Goals. Commanders should establish goals based on the physical requirements of the unit’s mission/METL. The following is an example battery of unit-level assessments used to measure individual and collective unit readiness:

a. Collectively foot march 20 km with fighting load, under 5 hours (Chapter 10, FM 7-22, and FM 21-18).

b. Perform five unassisted pull-ups using overhand grip.

c. Complete a 300-yard shuttle run in under 90 seconds.

d. Perform individual Soldier carry with a Soldier of equal weight for 50 yards.

e. Soldiers score 270 or higher.

f. Soldiers meet AR 600-9 standards.

George N.