The trunk lift test is a physical fitness test that measures the flexibility and strength of a student’s lower back and hamstrings.
It’s part of the FitnessGram assessment, a physical fitness evaluation program for school-aged children. Other tests in this assessment include the fitness gram pacer and curl-up tests.
The trunk lift fitnessgram test measures the muscles in your core and lower back, essential for overall strength.
Other components of the FitnessGram test include the following:
- Fitnessgram Pacer Test: measures cardiovascular endurance.
- Push up Test FitnessGram: measures upper body strength and endurance
- Shoulder Stretch: measures the flexibility of the shoulders.
- Curl up Test FitnessGram: measures the strength of the abdomen and endurance.
- Skinfold Measurements: measures body fat composition.
- Body Mass Index (BMI): calculates weight status by dividing weight b the square of height.
- Sit And Reach Test FitnessGram: measures lower back flexibility and hamstring.
How to do the Trunk Lift
In this post, I will show you the correct way to do the trunk lift test.
- Lay on the mat face down, toes pointed.
- Place a coin or other marker on the floor in line with the student’s eyes.
- During movement, the eye’s focus should not move from this marker.
- Place hands under thighs.
- Lift the body off the floor in a very slow and controlled manner to a maximum height of 12 inches, keeping the head aligned with the spine.
- Hold this position long enough to allow the tester to measure.
- Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Repeat and record the highest of the two scores.
Here are some form breaks for the trunk lift:
- One of the form breaks is to keep your students from bouncing on the way up.
- And the second form break that you want to prevent your kids from doing is going above 12 inches.
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