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Medial Leg Raise Exercise 2023

Medial Leg Raise Exercise
Medial Leg Raise Exercise

The Medial Leg Raise is an exercise that targets the medial muscles located in the inner part of your leg.

The medial leg raises exercise is also used to strengthen your adductors on the inside portion of the knee.

This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on correctly performing this exercise, its variations, and its associated benefits. 

How to Do the Medial Leg Raise Exercise

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do the Medial Leg Raise Exercise

  1. Lie down with your arms by your sides, palms facing down.

  2. Keep your legs together and straighten them out.

  3. Contract your abdominal muscles and lift one leg off the ground.

  4. Lift your leg until it forms a 90-degree angle with the floor.

  5. Hold this position for two seconds, then slowly lower your leg.

  6. Repeat the same process with the other leg.

  7. I would say start with about two sets of about five repetitions.

When doing the medial leg raise, keep your movements slow and controlled throughout the exercise. 

  • Avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift them
  • Doing so can cause unnecessary strain on your lower back and hips.

Army PRT: Medial Leg Raise – Hip Stability Drill Exercise

Medial Leg Raise
Medial Leg Raise

Medial Leg Raise is the second exercise in the Hip Stability Drill.

  1. On the command “Starting Position, MOVE,” assume the correct starting position: Sitting position. 
  2. Soldiers move to the left side-lying position, with the left leg extended and the right leg bent at the knees and rotated so that the right foot rests on the ground behind the left knee, the foot pointing away from the body.
  3. Note: Support the trunk off the ground with the left elbow. 
  4. Bend the elbow to 90 degrees, placing it directly below the shoulder. 
  5. Make the left hand in a fist, rest it on the ground, and thumb it up. Place the right hand across the stomach.
    1. Count 1: Raise the left leg a short distance from the ground. Control the movement to the endpoint, where the left foot will be 6 to 8 inches above the ground.
    2. Count 2: Return to the starting position.
    3. Count 3: Repeat count 1.
    4. Count 4: Return to the starting position.
    5. Repeat 5–10 times.
  6. On the command “Change Position, MOVE,” swing the legs toward the front of the formation, swiveling on the buttocks into the second starting position with the trunk supported on the right elbow.
  7. Complete the same series of repetitions for the right leg and hip.

Exercise Tips

  • Now, for the medial leg raise, you want to be lying on your side, propped up on your elbow, as before.
  • You want to have your top leg at about a 45-degree angle for support.
  • From there, you want to take that bottom leg and raise it to a height that’s comfortable for you. Then bring it back down, but you don’t want to bring it to a complete rest on the floor.
  • You also want to make sure that your hips are straight up and down. 
  • With this exercise, you will have a tendency to want to roll the hips back, and we want to make sure those hips stay stabilized, straight up and down. 
  • You only want to go as high as is comfortable without moving the hips. 

Common Mistakes People Make While Doing This Exercise and How to Avoid Them

Here are some common mistakes people make while doing the medial leg raise:

  • Lifting their upper body off the ground
  • Arching their lower back
  • Holding their breath

To avoid these mistakes, keep your abdominal muscles engaged throughout the exercise. Also, keep your lower back flat on the ground and exhale as you lift your leg.

Muscles Worked by the Medial Leg Raise Exercise

The medial leg raises exercise targets several muscles, including:

  • Rectus abdominis
  • Transverse abdominis
  • External obliques
  • Hip flexors

This exercise helps activate and strengthen these specific muscle groups, improving core strength and stability.

How this Exercise Helps in Activating and Strengthening Specific Muscle Groups

The medial leg raises exercise is an effective way to activate and strengthen your core muscles. 

You engage the muscles in your abdomen, hips, and lower back by lifting your legs while keeping them straight. This improves your core strength and enhances your balance and coordination.

Benefits of the Medial Leg Raise Exercise

Apart from strengthening your core muscles, the medial leg raises exercise offers several other benefits, such as:

  • Improved posture
  • Increased flexibility
  • Reduced risk of injuries

How it Can Help Improve Posture, Balance, and Flexibility

You engage your core muscles and stabilize your spine as you perform the medial leg raise exercise. This helps to improve your posture and prevent back pain. 

The exercise also enhances your balance and flexibility by strengthening the muscles around your hips and lower back.

Variations of the Medial Leg Raise Exercise

Once you’ve mastered the primary form of the medial leg raise exercise, you can try these variations to add more challenge:

  1. Side-Lying Medial Leg Raise
  2. Swiss Ball Medial Leg Raise
  3. Hanging Medial Leg Raise

Each variation targets different muscle groups and requires varying levels of strength and stability. Be sure to choose a variation that’s suitable for your fitness level.

Which Muscle Groups are Targeted in Each Variation

The side-lying medial leg raises mainly target the muscles in your hips, while the Swiss ball medial leg raises engage your core muscles more deeply. 

The hanging medial leg raise is a more advanced variation that targets the muscles in your upper body, shoulders, and arms, in addition to your core.

Precautions and Tips for Doing this Exercise

Before incorporating the medial leg raise exercise into your workout routine, keep these tips and precautions in mind:

  • Consult a doctor before starting any new workout routine
  • Focus on proper form and technique
  • Start with the basic variation before progressing to more advanced ones

Also, remember to breathe throughout the exercise. Inhale as you lower your leg and exhale as you lift it.


The medial leg raises exercise effectively strengthens your core muscles, improves your posture and balance, and reduces the risk of injuries. 

Focus on proper form and technique and start with the basic variation before progressing to more challenging ones. 

Incorporate this exercise into your workout routine for optimal results!

George N.